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Health and Fitness

Women are among the most beautiful beings on the planet, and if they are mentally and physically healthy, they add more colors in the world. They are known for their ability to multitask at the same time, which is achievable when they are fit and healthy. Here are some suggestions to help women stay healthy, young, and active.

Remember if you do not have any medical issue then follow these tips and if you have any blood pressure of other serious health issue than consult with your medical officer.

Asanas, which are known as yoga poses, are primarily used to lubricate the muscles, joints, ligaments, and other body parts. These poses helps to improve blood circulation and flexibility. They also benefit internal body health because different asanas target distinct internal body components.


Marjaiasana/Bitilasana: Improves Posture

Begin by lying down on the mat on all fours, knees aligned beneath the hips and hands below the shoulders. Then, with the head and tailbone lifted high and the chest open, arch the back. Flow into the cow posture by arching your back upwards and lowering your head on the next breath. This position strengthens and stretches the neck, arms, abdomen, and back. This posture will help you to improve your balance and posture.


Padahastasana for Muscles strengthening

It is combination of two Sanskrit word words: pada (foot) and hasta (posture) (hand). It involves a delicate forward bending and benefit of this posture is the strengthening of the muscles of the limbs.

Adho Mukha Svanasana: A Full-Body Rejuvenation

This pose starts in a plank stance with your palms spread. Lift your hips and stretch your tailbone next. Maintain a firm grip on your arms and legs, and place your head between your upper arms. The entire body benefits by this pose because it provide a full-body stretch and awakening which strengthens the hands and wrists while also reducing lower back pain. This pose is most important for women because It helps in  reduction of menstrual and menopausal symptoms, as well as the prevention of osteoporosis , which is most common in women.

Halasana for reproduction issues

This asana pose is helpful for women in their reproduction issues. This pose helps to activate the thyroid and parathyroid glands by increasing blood flow to the abdominal organs. As a result, this stance is highly suggested for older women.

Paschimottanasana for stress releasing and body toning

From the head to the heels, this asana serves to extend the entire body. This is an excellent way to relieve stress, anger, and anxiety while also assisting in the regulation of a woman's menstrual cycle. This also tones the stomach and pelvic organs, which is particularly beneficial for women who have recently given birth.


Sarvangasana removes toxins

This asana pose encompasses the complete body. The mother of all stances is commonly referred to as this shoulder stand pose. This asana, among its many other advantages, aids in the removal of toxins and other waste materials from the circulation, hence preventing many skin diseases. It is also helpful to prevent wrinkles, acne, and ageing indications. It helps to ensure enough blood circulation to the forehead region, making it ideal for treating facial disorders.

Shirshasana helps in digestion and blood circulation

By reducing anxiety and boosting blood circulation, this works wonders in restoring youth. This asana can also help with digestion and memory.

Baddha Konasana help in Stimulation of Blood Circulation

This basic stretch, often known as the cobbler's stance, includes sitting with legs spread out like butterfly wings. To feel a stretch in the arms, back, and shoulders, wrap your hands over your feet and straighten your back. Baddha Konasana has a wide range of advantages, from improving blood circulation to alleviating women’s menstrual and menopausal problems.


Shavasana for Relaxing and relieving stress.

Corpse posture might feel like a big relief after a challenging yoga lesson. Shavasana may appear to be a siesta, but it is actually an excellent moment to cleanse your thoughts and meditate. To begin, lie flat on your back with your hands by your sides and palms facing up. The pose relieves stress and fatigue by relaxing the entire body. Clear your mind to make the most of the stance. You may exhale everything that doesn't serve you and inhale positive vibrations.


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