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The Purpose Of Our Life Is To Be Happy

What is Happiness? 

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Happiness is defined in various ways by different people . However, in Psychology, Happiness is an emotional state that a person experiences either in a limited sense, when nice things happen at a given instant, or more widely, as a positive judgment of one's life and accomplishments overall—that is, subjective well-being.

Happiness Quote

Happiness is more than a happy feeling or a cheerful articulation or expression. It is the sensation of fully appreciating your life and wanting to make the most of it. Happiness is known as the “hidden ingredient” that allows us to be and accomplish our best.

Happiness Quote


International Day of Happiness/ World Happiness Day

Health and Happiness are interlinked and they are important for all individuals. The Global Organization, United Nations (UN) has nominated March 20th as the International Day of Happiness. Every year, many nations around the world commemorate this day. This day is significant because the globe is confronting unprecedented challenges like COVID-19, and by assisting one another, they provide an example of kindness that may be observed all throughout the world.

Happiness and Personality

Image on Optimism

In this world, people are born with different personalities and personality plays a significant role in happiness. Most people are born with a pleasant disposition, and some are not. We all know people who are generally happy and enthusiastic; their optimistic personalities make happiness simpler for them. This means it mostly depends on their happy and optimistic personalities no matter how difficult times they are facing. 

However, what does that really imply for people who are born with a pessimistic, cranky, or grouchy personality? People having such personalities may lead to many negative aspects of individuals and circumstances rather than the positive aspects. Such gloomy people's moods are likely to be gloomy rather than cheery. For such people, living a happy life and seeking happiness in even small things seems challenging.

Mo Gawdat Happiness Equations

Mo Gawdat Quote On Happiness

Mo Gawdat an Egyptian entrepreneur and writer of the book “Solve for Happy” presented a happiness equation and states, “Your happiness is equal to or higher than the gap between your life's happenings and your expectations of how life should act.”  Gawdat argued that what matters is what you expect and how you respond, not whether you see the glass as half full or half empty. If a person expects their glass always to be full, disappointment will be heightened by wrath at the inequity. Because of their obsession with the extra water they believe should be there by right, this person cannot appreciate the water they do have. Accept, however, that life brings change and loss, and that you cannot control everything and you should be able to find something else to be glad for instead.

Mo Gawdat tried to find and live new ways of life and happiness after the unexpected dismissal of his young son Ali and his failed marriage. He tried to find some positivity, as many people's innate capabilities and beliefs are collapsed in such hard. The equation of having happiness is determined by factors that are within our control. 

Key factors of Happiness

We as individuals have a tendency to get caught up in materialistic pursuits and forget that we can still live joyful lives. Our thinking, the behaviors we adopt, and the way we live each day all have a role in how happy we are.  Here are some key factors of happiness, which we can use happiness to make ourselves happier.

Positive feelings lead to Happiness

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Feelings that every normal person wants in his or her life are sweetness, delight, inspiration, joy, love, admiration, gratitude, playfulness, good sense of humor, hope, compensation, creativity, interest, positive anticipation, respect, care, enjoyment, calmness. We all love to have these optimistic emotions and feelings to live a happy life.

Positive emotions and feelings benefit our minds and bodies, in addition to making us feel happy and good. Such optimistic feelings and emotions aid to reduce stress hormones, reducing anxiety and sadness, and boosting our immune system.

We must start our day with positive thoughts, as daily happy emotions have a significant impact on our happiness and well-being. We must have to keep ourselves busy in creative and happy activities instead of critical things. Such activities are helpful in dealing with our negative emotions.

Our Interests are our Strengths

Our interests are our strengths, as interests give wings to our strengths and our strengths bring happiness to our lives. We have to explore the things we are good at and like doing. Being a human, we all have different interests and abilities, and we have to explore and follow them.

People can have an interest in music, art, science, technology, writing, constructing things, cooking, reading, teaching, fashion designing, marketing, painting, playing an instrument, dancing, selling, and so on. We can change our lives by following our interests in which we find happiness but remember one thing practice can polish our interests or skills and, lead us to happiness and success.

Happy Relationships and Happiness

image by George Dolgikh from Pexels

We cannot live without people, as they are important in our personal, social, and economic lives. One of the finest ways to enjoy happiness, health, and well-being is to have good relationships with the people who are near and dear to you.

Certain emotional and spiritual abilities can assist us in forming and maintaining positive relationships with people. We are more resilient, resourceful, and successful when we are there for the people in our life – and when they are there for us. Here are some of the abilities that aid in the development of positive relationships:

  • We have to learn to recognize and express our feelings. Showing your feelings enhances happiness, and it makes you feel better.
  • Show empathy to people because it is the ability to understand how another person feels.
  • Show gratitude to your relations because expressing thanks with kindness, establishes assertiveness to communicate what we want and need.
  • Have optimist people in your lives because they will never let you down.
  • Spend quality time with people and family, and show them how special are they to you. Surely, you will get back the same energy from these people.

Finding Life's Meaning and Purpose can bring Happiness

Image by Brett Sayles from Pexels

Life without purpose is meaningless, and finding the meaning in life will bring happiness to your life. Finding aim in life will help us to perform our day-to-day tasks and duties. It will keep you busy, and keeping check and balance your work will help you to figure out what differences like in what ways would you like to improve the world? Any minor daily activities that point you in that direction should be noted. They can help you find meaning in your life and boost your happiness.

Your Achievements are your real Happiness

Image of  Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

Achievements make you a great person. You are ready to do things when your life is full of happy emotions, fantastic relationships, strengths to practice, and a feeling of purpose.

Setting and attaining goals provides you with something to focus on and try to make an effort in areas that are important to you. It is time to put your all efforts and not worry about your imperfection because small steps achieve big goals. Keep a positive attitude and try again if things do not work out the first time. Have strong faith in yourself and your goals. Celebrate your success with individuals you care about to make it much sweeter.


You people must have to learn to be happy by controlling your thoughts, kicking out the negativity by calming your mind, increasing your confidence, setting goals. You have to utilize your powers and strengths, increase your self-esteem, doing activities you enjoy, and cultivating positive relationships. It is difficult to perform such actions at once, but it is not impossible, you have to be focused and start from small steps. Small, defined, focused goals can add up to happiness and satisfaction. Happiness and satisfaction will make you successful in every step of life.



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