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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Pros and Cons Of Artificial Intelligence

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 John McCarthy was a famous American computer scientist and mathematician. He is also known as the "Father of Artificial Intelligence" (AI) because he is the one who first created/invented the artificial intelligence language called LISP. In AI, LISP is the first programming language for symbolic computation. 

In the nineteenth century, John McCarty, and some other fellow scientists came up with the term "artificial intelligence" that transformed technology to another level. Artificial technology, no doubt is the need of time and there are multiple pros of artificial intelligence but besides them there are also some cons of artificial intelligence. 

Image by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

Artificial Intelligence: An Overview

Today, Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is the most transformative technology and most prevalent trend in the technological world. 

Artificial intelligence is performed by computer-controlled machines, and these machines mostly carry out those tasks that are performed by humans.

Artificial intelligence, commonly known as AI, is the collection of algorithms that can generate results without being explicitly directed or instructed by anyone. AI is the imitation of human intelligence in computers that have been programmed to learn and copy human actions. These machines can learn, develop, and do human-like tasks with time, and they will have a significant impact on the quality of life as they advance. AI is taking over almost all industries, including offices, businesses, homes, and so on, where people want to connect as end-users or pursue a career in it.

It is a computerized system designed to do multiple tasks such as image recognition, communication with decision-making, and pattern recognition. Artificial intelligence (AI) can perform different jobs more accurately and quickly than humans, and AI services are mainly employed in advanced economies in multiple ways, like navigation, security, business, map apps, streaming web services, etc.

Artificial intelligence (AI) services are assisting people worldwide with personal assistance on smartphones and smart devices, like airline scheduling, corporate risk forecasting, maintenance assessment, energy efficiency improvement, and much more.

What Are Artificial Intelligence's (AI's) Pros?

Image by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels 

Today, artificial intelligence is needed for almost all people because technology has improved and simplified our lives. 

  • It is also beneficial for people who are impaired or dependent on others. Through smart AI machines, now disabled people can do their work independently.
  • Artificial intelligence entertainment programs like Hulu, Netflix, and Spotify now assist consumers with music, movies, and series recommendations.
  • To process spoken requests, voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Home use artificial intelligence-backed voice user interference. 
  • Navigation and travel are assisted by artificial intelligence (Google Maps and Waze). Travelers and residents alike may use Google maps to navigate any location.
  • From fraud protection to mobile banking, artificial intelligence is helpful.
  • Human error reduction is now possible with AI.
  • By using the latest techniques in facial recognition technologies (ID), Artificial Intelligence (AI) helps in crime control.
  • Now we can have the availability of AI apps for the whole day.
  • Robots assist in repetitive labor by allowing repetitive, routine, and now process optimization activities to be developed automatically and without human interaction. It reduces time consumption and labor costs.
  • Digital assistance will make your lives easier because AI applications can help you work smartly.
  • People can make faster decisions with the help of AI because it has reduced the time taken to perform tasks.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now widely used in tailored marketing applications such as automated emails and forms.
  • With the help of artificial intelligence, people can purchase and sell products and services online in any corner of the world.
  • Artificial Intelligence with Rational Decision Making: AI is helpful in rational decision-making because it gives quicker decision-making services.
  • Medical applications: Artificial intelligence has made our lives easier. Patients with minor health problems no longer need to go to the doctor for routine checkups because medical applications enable people to receive medical support via AI medical apps.
  • Improves security, surveillance, and cybersecurity: Artificial intelligence technologies can assist in recognizing and combating cyberattacks by understanding patterns and monitoring and back tracing the attacks.
  • Through its latest technology, artificial intelligence is helping with efficient communication.
  • Smart appliances have made lives easier in homes, offices, and industries. In this digital era, people do not have enough time to perform different tasks efficiently in a limited amount of time, so artificial intelligence has introduced smart appliances that require minimal human input to complete tasks efficiently.
  • Smartphones that employ artificial intelligence now provide tailored services as digital personal assistants. AI assistants, for example, can quickly answer queries and help users plan their daily routines. They organize your meetings, your house, and your work accordingly.
  • If you are new or unfamiliar with some places, AI apps will help you learn about their people, culture, foods, and new points. AI-based language translation software and other apps can provide translations, subtitling, and language identification, allowing users to understand foreign languages.
  • It enhances communication among people belonging to various nationalities.
  • By rethinking and making significant changes to increase productivity and open up new growth opportunities, AI will boost the economic destiny of a country.
  • AI technology can help governments build smart metropolitan cities.

Cons of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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  • Expensive systems: Artificial Intelligence (AI) machines, or robots, are the latest machines that are designed similarly to people. The manufacturing of these machines and robots requires lots of energy, money, and resources. These machines require the latest technology to work accurately. 
  • No emotions and ethics: For scientists, morality and ethics are crucial human characteristics, and it is challenging for them to include emotional attachment and ethics in artificial intelligence because they are machines and robots. The rapid advancements of AI, such as updated software and hardware, have sparked fears that these machines or robots could one day grow uncontrollably and finally destroy humanity. In AI, bots have no sense of right or wrong, and there is an absence of human feelings and ethics.
  • Increase in Unemployment: One of the gravest drawbacks of artificial intelligence is that bots and machines are gradually replacing people. Many job opportunities, especially in advanced countries, are reduced or replaced by artificial intelligence. In the future, advancements in artificial intelligence could cause higher unemployment.
  • Lack of creativity: People are creative, whereas machines are not because people can learn, think, and share new ideas, whereas bots follow instructions given by humans. AI machines/bots cannot think or learn by themselves. Because artificial intelligence (AI) can learn over time using pre-programmed facts and previous experiences, it cannot bring creativity in ideas and thinking. 
  • Making people idle: With the help of AI robots and automated machines, people's lifestyles are changing as they get lazier, which can be detrimental to their physical and mental health.

What Is the Mechanism of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence is constructed on an AI system, and it is the act of replicating human qualities and skills in a machine and leveraging its computational prowess to outperform us.

Machine Learning (ML): It is a technique for enabling a machine to make inferences and conclusions based on previous experience. It recognizes patterns and analyzes prior data to infer the meaning of these data points to arrive at a probable conclusion without human input. Businesses save time and money by using automation to derive conclusions, based on data analysis.

Deep Learning Technique: It is one of the artificial intelligence machine learning techniques to train a machine to classify, infer, and predict outcomes by processing inputs through layers.

Neural Analysis Networks: They operate on the same principles as human neurons. They are a set of algorithms that capture the relationship between various underlying factors and process the information in the same way that the human brain does.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): It is the science of a machine that helps in reading, understanding, and interpreting a language. This machine works or communicates according to commands and requests given by users.

Computer Vision Algorithms: These algorithms attempt to comprehend a picture by dissecting it and investigating distinct aspects of the object. They assist the machine in classification and learning from a group of photos, allowing it to make better output decisions based on prior observations.

Cognitive Computing Algorithms: These algorithms attempt to emulate the human brain by analyzing text, voice, images, and objects in the same way as humans do and attempting to produce the appropriate output.

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